Category: Food & Coffee
Una “nutella” migliore
Ecco una semplice ricetta a tre ingredienti per una crema spalmabile a base di cacao e nocciole.
il pane 🥖 fa bene
Il pane fa bene. Il pane fa male. Entrambe queste idee sono comuni ed entrambe sono vere. Ad aggiungere ambiguità, propria di qualsiasi affermazione che cerchi di stabilire la verità, al tema del pane 🍞 contribuiscono due cose: innanzitutto che esistono molti modi di fare il pane, anzi moltissimi, in tutto il mondo in generale…
Morning light for food
How I re-created in studio some natural-looking morning light for food photography.
Come rimuovere i pesticidi dagli ortaggi che compriamo?
Il problema Lavare le verdure a casa? Perché? Come? Belli erano quei tempi, vecchi, quando le verdure si lavavano soltanto per rimuovere germi! I germi potevano esser lì (cosa brutta) oppure (il più delle volte) no. Per certi versi, i pesticidi sono più pericolosi dei germi: bisognerebbe evitare di mangiarne. Gli effetti devastanti sulla nostra salute…
Tortelli maremmani al guardrail stradale
Casually, two recent photos of mine have a matching colour palette.
My light version of the Italian “Carbonara” recipe
Ingredients Buckwheat spaghetti (“Fidelin del Moro”) or, them lacking, plain spaghetti – 250g White onion – a quarter Prosciutto crudo – ideally one 5mm-thick slice, alternatively 3 or 4 traditionally thin slices Extra virgin olive oil – two tablespoons Pecorino romano, grated – one tablespoon, heaped Parmigiano Reggiano, grated – one heaped tablespoon (two, if the Pecorino is…
Pasta e sardine
I would never recommend any lengthy pasta dish: I am lazy. And this is quick and easy, provided you have access to the right ingredients. It isn’t easy to find good, boneless and skinless sardines but, if you do, you can boil them, broken in small pieces, in the juice of one lemon, until this…
The “bread” in Tesco
I noticed today that Tesco does not indicate anymore “contains flour treatment agent” on the bread. Perhaps all the types on sale are real bread: hardly! Just a step back in the path of information to the public. Bakers, bakeries… ridiculously nonexistent in Great Britain. Ever heard of Greggs and their “baked in store” slogans? And made……
Quick pasta recipe with cured ham – Ricetta con prosciutto crudo
Ingredients: Diced prosciutto crudo (from a thick-cut slice of Norcia’s or San Daniele’s ham), chopped chives, extra-virgin olive oil, lemon juice, black pepper, cold linguine. Ingredienti: Prosciutto crudo a dadini, erba cipollina sminuzzata, olio, succo di limone, pepe, linguine fredde. The image is available on iStockphoto!
Ektar colour palette at the food fair in Durham
These photos (taken at the last Durham food fair) show, photographically speaking: that there is no substitute to Ektar to photograph food vividly and under plain light conditions that there is no substitute to the EF 70-200 IS f/4 to shoot indoor with a low-sensitivity film
Troppo semplice per chiamarla ricetta, ma buona: fregola e piselli
I cut longitudinal strips of leeks and I made them curly and brown in some oil in my safepan. I replaced the leeks with frozen peas; added some water, waited for them to boil a couple of minutes, added salt, then fregola, that I cooked like a risotto, adding hot water little by little. When…