Tag: England
The “bread” in Tesco
I noticed today that Tesco does not indicate anymore “contains flour treatment agent” on the bread. Perhaps all the types on sale are real bread: hardly! Just a step back in the path of information to the public. http://www.sustainweb.org/realbread/ Bakers, bakeries… ridiculously nonexistent in Great Britain. Ever heard of Greggs and their “baked in store” slogans? And made……
Photos | The windows of Durham
Apart from looking around and eyeing the decrepit (oops… in need of restoration or house improvement) houses, what else can you do, when walking in Durham with a camera? The effects are picturesque and textured.
Uphill roads: Crossgate
Uphill roads are very convenient for photographing architecture because they allow the photographer’s eye to be level with the centre of the buildings’ facades and ensure a correct perspective.
Tombstones in England
I can’t ignore them. The English place their graveyard right in the middle of inhabited centres. They create interesting contrasts of ideas. I set up a lightbox on iStockphoto with several of such cases.