My Engineering background

My Ph.D.’s thesis

Acoustic emission
characterisation of damage
in CFRP composites

Acoustic emission characterisation of damage in CFRP composites, University of Southampton, 2007. It was published by VDM Verlag and sold by Amazon [free PDF file here]

My Master’s thesis

Analisi delle Forze Rotodinamiche in Turbomacchine Cavitanti, Università di Pisa, 2003

Publications / Conferences

M. R. Venturini Autieri and J. M. Dulieu-Barton,  Initial Studies for AE Characterisation of Damage in Composite Materials, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 13–14 (2006) pp. 273–278

L. d’Agostino and M. R. Venturini Autieri, Rotordynamic Fluid Forces on Whirling and Cavitating Radial Impellers,  in Proc.  Fifth International Symposium on Cavitation (cav2003), Osaka, Japan, Nov 2003

L. d’Agostino and M. R. Venturini Autieri, Three-Dimensional Analysis of Rotordynamic Fluid Forces on Whirling and Cavitating Finite-Lenght Inducers,  in Proc.  The 9th of International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb 2002


Nelle loro versioni originali, pubblico qui di sèguito gli appunti di corredo ad alcune lezioni che seguîi all’Università di Pisa.