Category: Cameras
Sony Alpha 7 II settings
Usage scenario I only use my alpha camera in manual focus with vintage lenses so the absence of focusing mode setting reflects this. I only shoot RAW stills, yet… see notes below. Comments on my settings When the white balance is assigned to a custom button, I see the “set custom white balance” available. On…
Fuji X and a higher level of JPG quality
Introduction The «purist» way to apply film simulations is doing so in camera, either by shooting JPEG, or by shooting RAW and then processing them using the in-camera convert feature. The second-best way is to use Fujifilm X RAW Studio on your computer. Unfortunately, short of the newest feature — only present on the X-Pro3…
ammemipiace il mare
Mi piace il mare ma… nessuno mi crede. Ecco qualche foto scattata con la mia Bronica SQ-A… al mare.
Riomaggiore with Portra 160
Riomaggiore is a pleasant town to visit. Since we are all sinners, we don’t deserve a pleasant, relaxing, tranquil walk wandering through the narrow picturesque streets… at least, this is what I must have thought when I decided to photograph it with two cameras, one of which being a not-so-heavy-but-certainly-not-light-either Bronica SQ-A loaded with Porta…
iPhone vs medium format
What happens when you compare the image taken with an iPhone with the one taken with a medium format camera!
Short Letter to a Friend who Wants to Choose Another Camera
How to choose a digital camera suitable for street photography
Fujifilm X-Trans sensors hate red
Red hot chili peppers and black and white photography with a red filter for high contrast of scenes with blue sky have one thing in common: are not well rendered by Fujifilm current cameras employing an X-Trans sensor.
iPhone 5 vs Olympus XA and Kodak Ektar
While in Venice (Italy) I shot the same scene with my iPhone 5 (HDR and filters) and Olympus XA loaded with Ektar. I propose here the comparison, while noting that I have adjusted in Photoshop the Ektar file only.
Contax / Yashica Carl Zeiss Sonnar 135 mm f/2.8 T* on film and digital
Zeiss Sonnar 135mm is a very good lens – not on digital, though.