Category: Photography
Contax / Yashica Carl Zeiss Sonnar 135 mm f/2.8 T* on film and digital
Zeiss Sonnar 135mm is a very good lens – not on digital, though.
Photoshop goes to the beach
Starting from a film scan (Kodak Ektar 100), I decided to: inverting the orientation of the clouds, to align it with the coastal feature tightening the framing, removing some empty sand enhancing colour and contrast around the bucket and the spade, with luminosity masks warming the colour of the overall scene I like the final…
Some lenses are soft in the corners – 100F and the English sea
Dealing with lenses soft in the corners
My take on focus-shift with the Nikkor AI-S 50mm f/1.2 and the Nikon FM2n camera
My empirical solution to Nikkor 50mm f/1.2’s focus-shift issue. How to use it?
Manfrotto equipment for flying cameras!
I had to use quite a few Manfrotto bits (detailed below) in order to take this shot from directly above. However, I still had to block the rotation of the horizontal bar in an unorthodox way. Of course the use of a lightweight camera (Sony NEX-5) helped a big deal.
Fuji Neopan 400 CN was designed to solve technical issues
I find it interesting that while this film was born out of a specific technical problem, nowadays it still satisfies a very specific technicality albeit a very different one. At the time, B&W chemicals were not as readily available as the C-41 process used with colour negatives: thus the original purpose of the black and white…
HSBC are using my tea cups photo
Two cups of tea on a table | Stock Photo | iStock. I found today this image of mine used by HSBC (Hong-Kong & Shangai Bank Corporation) on their website. Actually, those were not really tea cups: they were ice-cream cups by Guzzini. As such they did not last long and after a while they…