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Circus, black and white and colour

A circus (especially an American one, full or white, blue and red and stars and stripes) evokes colours. Last year (2011) the Vegas came to Durham and I had to try my new Canon EOS 5, my new EF 70-200 f/4L IS, already loaded with Delta 3200.

Then, this year, it has been the time of the Netherlands circus. I shot it with different equipment: the EF lens stayed, mounted on the EOS 1n with Provia 100F, while the Nikon FM2n with 50/1.2 AIS and Neopan 400 took care of the B&W side.

These were the results.

Circus tent with American (US) colours and flags Delta 3200
Circus tent with American (US) colours and flags
Delta 3200
The box office of a circus. Scan from Neopan 400.
The box office of a circus. Scan from Neopan 400.
A large industrial trailer, parked in front of this small caravan, creates a interesting optical illusion and the caravan appears to have huge wheels. Nikon FM2n, Nikkor 50/1.2 AI-S, Neopan 400
A large industrial trailer, parked in front of this small caravan, creates a interesting optical illusion and the caravan appears to have huge wheels. Nikon FM2n, Nikkor 50/1.2 AI-S, Neopan 400
Durham, England, Summer 2012 Provia 100F
Durham, England, Summer 2012
Provia 100F
Circus entrance, evening, Durham Nikon FM2n with Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 wide open, Neopan 400, colour toned.
Circus entrance, evening, Durham
Nikon FM2n with Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 wide open, Neopan 400, colour toned.
The service exit of a circus. Canon EF 70-200 f/4L IS, Provia 100F
The service exit of a circus.
Canon EF 70-200 f/4L IS, Provia 100F
The circus tent. Delta 3200
The circus tent. Delta 3200
When it moves around Europe, the circus needs plenty of vehicles and trucks to carry stuff and artists around. Photographed in England, Sept. 2012  Neopan 400
When it moves around Europe, the circus needs plenty of vehicles and trucks to carry stuff and artists around. Photographed in England, Sept. 2012
Neopan 400
Truck, decorated with the American flag. Delta 3200
Truck, decorated with the American flag.
Delta 3200
One of their trucks is photographed with the circus structure in the background. You can almost hear the Star Spangled Banner.
One of their trucks is photographed with the circus structure in the background. You can almost hear the Star Spangled Banner.

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