I’ve shot some Christmas pictures in the past years, and now that autumn is approaching its end and winter is arriving, I thought of showcasing a few photographic memories of the most abused festivity of the year. These pictures are scattered in time, space and photographic medium (iPhone, interchangeable lens digital camera, film SLR).
Empty American style diner/fast food with Christmas decoration. Ilford Delta 3200, shot with my trusty Nikon FM2n and its Nikkor AI-S 50/1.2. i still own both!
Strings of fairy lights hanging over the city centre of Durham, England. It was a Neopan 1600, toned in Photoshop, shot with a Contax 167MT (now sold) and the Tessar 45/2.8
Cascina, Italy – November 26, 2013: Corso Giacomo Matteotti is the high street of this small town in the province of Pisa, Tuscany. Some decorations for the upcoming Christmas festivities are visible. I’ve sold both the Sony NEX-5 and the Sigma 30mm f/2.8 lens that I used
Christmas 2014. Alcamo, Sicily. iPhone 5
Durham, England, in Winter 2011-2012. View from Saddler St. of St Nicholas Church. Scan from Ektachrome E100G. Canon EOS 1n with 70-200 f/4L IS
In-camera Toy-camera photographic effect (Fujifilm X-T1 and XF35mm f/1.4 lens). Somewhere in Tuscany
London, England – December 24, 2006: on the Christmas’ eve of 2006, in a Chinese noodle restaurant / fast food in Oxford Street, one cook has his break with a colleague, fancy-dressed for the occasion. I used a Fujifilm S3 with the AF-D Nikkor 50/1.4, both sold
Pretty courtyard of an old palace in Napoli, Italy, decorated for Christmas. Fujifilm X-T1 and adapted Nikkor 50/1.2 AI-S
Urban scene: Lucca, Tuscany during Christmas time. I don’t recall the exact film used in my Canon EOS 1n
Durham, England. Market place. Provia 100F film in a Canon EOS 1n with the 70-200 f/4L IS. Still a favourite combination for me
Christmas is heartfelt in the whole city of Naples and special importance is given to physical representations of the Nativity scenes (“Presepe”). The local district of San Giorgio Armeno is famously devoted to this art. Fujifilm X-T1 and adapted Nikkor 50/1.2
It’s almost Christmas time and these electric decorations, still off, are ready to illuminate Florence (Italy) with a festive mood. Canon EOS 5D
Alcamo, Italy – December 25, 2015: the term “patriarchal society” well applies to Sicily and, especially, their communities in smaller towns, quite dominated by men and male roles. On Christmas day, only men are visible in the central Piazza Ciullo. An ultrawide lens (mounted on a Fujifilm X-T1) allowed me to be relatively inconspicuous for this close-up shot
Holly and Lemons: difficult to find such a combination outside of Italy (Mediterranean country). Late Autumn in Montemagno, Calci (Pisa); iPhone SE
One pretty Christmas decoration in the streets of Napoli, in the area where nativity scenes (presepi) are traditionally made and sold: San Gregorio Armeno. Fujifilm X-T1 with an adapted Nikkor AI-S 50/1.2 via Novoflex. I still use this combo