They may have travelled for miles, they may have come from the most disparate places, often very different from the ones where we see them: cars, parked in the streets, tell interesting stories when they are framed in their environment: stories made of contrasts, surprises, colours and cultural clashes.
I have found them in the streets while wandering without aim, relaxed; it is not surprising then that all these shots were taken with light and easy cameras: iPhone, Nikon FM2n, Contax 139Q, Olympus XA, with the only exception being a Bronica SQ-A that, however, with the 80/2.8 is not heavy or bulky.
South shields, England, October 2012.
Nikon FM2n, Nikkor 20/3.5 UD, Provia 100F
South shields, England, October 2012.
Nikon FM2n, Nikkor 20/3.5 UD, Provia 100F
Alcamo, Sicily
iPhone 5
Monza is sometimes called the capital of Brianza (a geographical area in Lombardy) because of its beauty. This street scene includes a vintage, elegant BMW car; freshly restored buildings, a colourful van and a tidy street (Piazza Carrobiolo).Bronica SQ-A, Zenzanon 80/2.8 PS, Provia 400X
Amsterdam, Netherlands: May 15, 2011 – A Jeep Grand Wagoner is clamped in a central street in Amsterdam.
Olympus XA, Portra 400VC
Lucca, Italy – June 23, 2015: already an icon of modern Italian industrial design, the new Fiat CInquecento is elegantly parked near a small hotel (“La Torre”) in Lucca (Tuscany), nicely ornated with Italian flags and creepers (climbing plants). A map of the town is visible ate the side of the entrance.
Fujifilm X-T1, XF35/1.4
Alfasud in Pesci, Tuscany.
iPhone 5
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England – September 29, 2012: this 3-Series (codenamed E46) BMW car is parked in front of a colourful Landis shop in Queen St. that perfectly complements the vivid colour of the automobile.
Nikon FM2n, Nikkor 50/1.2 AI-S, Provia 100F I owned a car like this, but it was blue!
South shields, England, October 2012.Nikon FM2n, Nikkor 20/3.5 UD, Provia 100F
A typically Dutch building is reflected into the dashboard of a small car, in Amsterdam.
Con tax (a 139 or a 167? I don’t recall), Tessar 45/2.8, Neopan 400)